Monday, October 12, 2009

Tuesday Treasures

On Tuesdays we provide our Faculty an opportunity to feature the talented work of some of our students and friends. You may see a display of creative Photoshop work, their beautiful photographs or an interesting story about an individual’s meaningful contribution to his or her community, country or the world.If you have memories, old or new, you would like to share, send them to me at

Variety--the Spice of Life!

I love blogging on Tuesday because I get to show off! Or I guess that I should say that I get to show off my students.

Lana Davis was kind enough to let me share the colorful, interesting images you see below. They are different from each other and I love each one of them!

First a collage done from images Lana took when she visited Gethsemani. The background is the wall at the entrance:

And here we have an image taken at Montemarte in Paris:

Can't leave those pets out!

And a charming image of Lana's family. The background is her mother's home which she has lived in for over 50 years!

Special thanks to Lana for making our Tuesday!!

"Variety is the very spice of life that gives it all its flavor." ~William Cowper

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