Monday, August 10, 2009

Make it Happen Mondays

All over the USA, Seniors are using their years of experience and knowledge in a servant leadership capacity in their communities. They are volunteering their services when needed. On Mondays we are looking forward to sharing the stories of some of these "make it happen" senior volunteers along with interesting volunteering opportunities.

Two Very Special Volunteers

Everett Mámor said, "The world is hugged by the faithful arms of volunteers."

Well I know just what that’s like!

The volunteer spirit that I love to talk about is alive and well at the community college where I teach. Two very special ladies have pitched in and helped organize a large group of Lesson Plans I’ve created for both of my Photoshop Elements classes.

Karen Barnett and Edie Kirkbride

Karen Barnett has done a detailed, daily summary of our classroom activities. The summaries are usually a page long with information about everything we used in the class for that day.
Edie Kirkbride has provided us with thumbnail images of all the pictures we use in the very same classes.

They both did this, not because they were asked to, but because there was a need.
In the first three levels of Photoshop Elements 6 we have 18 classes, with six classes in Photoshop Restoration.

Once the work was created they were happy to share what they had done with the all of the students in the class, along with students that come along in future classes.
These two notebooks represent a lot of hard work by two big-hearted people. They make me proud.

Sherry Anderson said, “Volunteers don't get paid, not because they're worthless, but because they're priceless.

From personal experience I can tell you, she was right!


Anonymous said...

We need more big hearts in this culture. Congratulations to these two ladies for setting a good example!

Anonymous said...

I wish my students were like that!!

Anonymous said...

Class is enjoying this post!