Saturday, April 4, 2009

Saturday Star Spotlight

Our students are doing a lot of exciting things and we're looking forward to featuring their impresssive accomplishments every Saturday in our Star Spotlight.

This week our Saturday Star Spotlight falls on
Alice Schear and her mother.

New Skills and Loving Care

This is a picture Alice Schear took of her Mother on her 92nd birthday which was Valentine's Day.


Her Mom loves teddy bears and is holding the one that Alice’s brother gave her for her birthday along with his Valentine.

Alice is a lifelong learner, and is presently taking classes at Richland College in Dallas, Texas. She put the photo in Photoshop Elements 6 and began doing some things to it that she had learned about enhancing skin tone and lighting and showed it to her mother last weekend.

All her Mom said was, "Oh, I should have straightened my collar."

So Alice kept thinking about her comment and finally remembered that you can copy, paste and flip pieces of a photo in Photoshop Elements. She did that very thing to flip her left collar to the right side. It worked as you can see in the second picture below!

Look at the difference between the two pictures.


The second one is brighter, better skin color; highlight in the eyes, brighter ear rings and of course that perfect collar!


She plans to show this 3rd photo to her mom this weekend. I’ll bet she will be pleased with the image and the thought and effort that went into it!

Arthur Ward said, "There are three keys to abundant living: caring about others, daring for others, and sharing with others."

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