Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Tuesdays Treasures

On Tuesday's we are going to take a trip down memory lane with some "remember when" photos and stories submitted by our students. It could be photos from a high school prom; a nostalgic look at a 1950's TV program or a collage of photos that were just taken last week. If you have memories, old or new, you would like to share, send them to me at mxw8110@yahoo.com

This simple yet effective collage was created in Photoshop Elements by one of my favorite students, Kevin Rush. He visits New York City as often as possible to take in all the city has to offer plus to catch up on the many family members and friends who live in or near New York City.


He is a native of New Jersey and spent many a day and night in New York City before leaving home to attend college at the University of Tennessee and to pursue a career with Celanese Corporation.

He and his wife Linda (an excellent baker and dedicated teacher) were fortunate to live in the New York City suburbs for 13 years during which time their son Bryan was born. Kevin's career took the family to Dallas in 1992 where they have put down new roots.

The pictures in the collage were all taken on a Saturday morning between 7 and 7:30 in and around his niece's apartment in the West Village of NY City. Kevin said, “I thought she would appreciate getting to see her neighborhood from a perspective and lighting she normally would not witness. Why should she ever be up at 7 on a Saturday morning?”

Thanks to Kevin for sharing his "morning magic" of photos in this collage collection.

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