Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Seeing Better on the Internet

As we come across computer tips in our online journey we will share them with you on the blog. Here is a handy little item you can use to change your screen view.

It is easy to change the size of the text you see on your webpages when you go out on the Internet.

Photobucket First, go to the Menu Bar near the top of the screen and click on View and a menu will drop down.

Photobucket Hover your mouse over the words Text Size and a smaller menu will appear.

Photobucket Now you can select the size you want. Try several of them to see what suits you. I've selected Larger as you can see in the example below.


Note: If you choose the "Largest" option, you may not be able to view everything on the webpage. To see what is on the far left and far right just click on the scroll bar at the bottom of your screen (see image below), hold the mouse button down and drag from left to right.


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