Sunday, September 6, 2009

Inspirational Sunday

Bill Witcher, co-founder of Computer School for Seniors will be sharing words of encouragement, inspiration and hope with you each Sunday.

Our Health Matters

OK, it’s time for me to start again. Yep, it’s time to start watching my diet and exercising on a regular basis….again. Maybe some of you are like me and your good health intentions run in spurts. How foolish.

I know how much better I feel…how much better I perform…how much better I think when I am taking care of my body. I am blessed in that we have a membership at Cooper Aerobics Center in Dallas, Texas. Dr. Kenneth Cooper has built a fabulous health and fitness center that is available to me seven days a week. When I go there on a regular basis and work-out or swim and then eat right, I feel great.

So what’s the problem? It seems pretty simple…just do it! Unfortunately, we don’t always do what is best for us even though we know better. I can find excuses such as traveling or a special event to order a big steak and a baked potato loaded with butter. Or maybe a cheeseburger and fries. And then it’s easy for me to get on a down hill roll and have one bad meal after another while missing my daily workout. Enough of this bad behavior. Our health matters. We must take better care of ourselves on a consistent basis.

John Maxwell in his book “Today Matters” talks about how our health impacts us emotionally, intellectually and spiritually.

“You can escape from a lot of things that might hurt you. You can quit a hazardous job. You can move from one climate to another. You can stay away from someone who wants to harm you. But you can't get away from your body. For as long as you live, you're stuck with it. If you make choices that cause you to be continually hurting or unhealthy, it will affect every aspect of your life--your heart, mind, and spirit. Think about how hard it is to be positive, concentrate, or pray when you have a toothache. More serious conditions can be even more distracting."

Dr. Maxwell is right. People are funny. Whey we are young, we will spend our health to get wealth. Later, as we age, we will gladly pay all we have to try to get our good health back.
OK, that is the thought for today. Health Matters. Excuse me, while I go swim some laps.

Bill Witcher is co-founder of Computer School for Seniors . He can be reached at

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bill, you inspire me. Like my dad used to say, "We get so soon old and so late smart." Great post.

Jane B