Thursday, December 22, 2011

Posts from Our Past

Computer Savvy Seniors took a nap in 2011! It is coming back now and has already been such fun to get in touch with fellow retirees and see what everyone is up to. I thought it would be interesting to usher 2011 out with a review of some past efforts that we have all enjoyed. Then look out 2012, here we come!

I was just watching a television moment where a soldier surprised his family by returning home from duty for Christmas--reminded me of this post I wrote about my dad back in June of 2009.

Our Heart Felt Thanks!

William Shakespeare said, “I can no other answer make, but, thanks, and thanks, and thanks.”

I was just watching the movie Pearl Harbor, and it brought to mind the enormous debt of gratitude we owe the men and women in our armed forces, both then and now. Elmer Davis said, “This nation will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave.”

My dad flew a B-17 in World War II. He would never talk much about his experience in the war, but I do have these pictures which speak for themselves.

A pilot's life would include...

The family you have to leave behind so you can fight to protect them. While my brother, Roger, and my sister, Libby, were not yet born, he fought for their future as well as mine.

Loaning your gear to your kids...I still have this hat and the dogtags, 68 years later!

New work clothes...

A new place of business...

A new workgroup...

And a place in the history of our country forever...

Lieutenant Jarrot McCord, Jr.
8th Air Force Division
United States Air Force

Franklin Delano Roosevelt said, "This generation of Americans has a rendezvous with destiny."
And it is still so with today's generation. We pass on our gratitude for the sacrifice, strength and bravery of our armed forces in the Middle East and around the world. We offer our prayers for their families waiting at home for their return.

From the bottom of our hearts,
thank you.

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